Associative work
- Vice-president 2013-2014, in charge of finances, administration and public relations.
- New design for the website.
- Organisation of the general assembly 2014 in Budapest.
European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management
- Public Relations Committee Leader 2010 : management of an international team of 15 members.
- ATrainer (Branding, PowerPoint, InDesign).
- Project Leader for the ESTIEM Council Meeting 2009 (180 participants, 5 days, budget: 22 000€).
Association of G-SCOP doctoral students
- President for the year 2011/2012.
- Organisation of a 2-day scientific seminar (Journées G-SCOP, 110 participants).
- Animation of the laboratory by organising monthly convivial events.
Hospitality of the Orléans Diocese
- Since 2007, volunteer one week every year to serve diseased and handicaped pilgrims.
- Since 2011, responsible for the "Jeunes Hospitaliers" (16-18 years old volunteers)
Les Amis de Komtoega
supporting the development of a group of villages in Burkina-Faso
- Webmaster
- Mission in october 2012, one week - Kick-off for building a new dispensary in an isolated village.
Chercheurs d’horizons
le magazine des doctorants de l’université de Grenoble
- Member of the editorial board.
- 2000 paper versions printed, electronic version sent to about 4000 doctoral students.