Journal papers
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Robust crossdock scheduling with time windows.
Computers & Industrial Engineering 99, 16-28. Sept 2016.
Logistics, Robustness, Cross-docking, Crossdock truck scheduling, Project scheduling Abstract Abstract
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Cross-docking operations: current research versus industry practice.
Omega 62, 145–162. July 2016.
Materials handling, Cross-docking operations, Survey, Field-based research, Industry practice Abstract Abstract
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Crossdock truck scheduling with time windows - Earliness, tardiness and storage policies. Special issue (Scheduling in logistic and maintenance) of the
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. doi:10.1007/s10845-014-1014-4
Cross-docking, Crossdock truck scheduling, Integer programming, Heuristics Abstract Abstract
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan, B. Penz,
Joint employee weekly timetabling and daily rostering: A decision-support tool for a logistics platform.
European Journal of Operation Research 234, 1 (2014) 278-297. April 2014.
Manpower planning, Logistics, Mixed integer linear programming, Sequential solving Abstract Abstract
G. Alpan, A.-L. Ladier, R. Larbi, B. Penz,
Heuristic solutions for transshipment problems in a multiple door cross docking warehouse.
Computers and Industrial Engineering 61, 2 (2011) 402-408. Octobre 2011.
Cross docking; Multiple docks; Scheduling; Heuristics; Transshipment Abstract AbstractInternational conferences
G. Dottavio, M. F. Andrade, F. Renard, V. Cheutet, A-L. Ladier, S. Vercraene, P. Hoang, S. Briet, R. Dachicourt,
Logistical Optimization of Nuclear Waste Flows during Decommissioning.
8th International Conference on Energy Management (ICEM), Paris, France, oct. 2016.
Nuclear decommissioning, logistical optimization, decision-support framework, waste management.D. Diekmann, U. Clausen, L. Eufinger, G. Alpan, A-L. Ladier, Combining mathematical optimization with discrete-event simulation to improve cross docking operations. International Conference on Operations Research of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Hamburg, Germany, September 2016.
A.-L. Ladier, A. G. Greenwood, G. Alpan,
Modeling issues when using simulation to test the performance of mathematical programming models under stochastic conditions.
29th European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM'2015, Leicester, United Kingdom, pp 117-121.
Discrete-event simulation, discrete mathematical programming optimization, validation, verification.
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Integrating truck scheduling and employee rostering in a cross-docking platform. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management 2015, pp 676-685.
Logistics, Cross-docking, Crossdock truck scheduling, Employee timetabling, Iterative approach Abstract Abstract
A.-L. Ladier, G. Alpan, A. G. Greenwood,
Robustness evaluation of an IP-based cross-docking schedule using discrete-event simulation.
Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2014.
Integer programming (IP) models are powerful tools for operations planning, but may encounter problems when applied in a stochastic environment. We propose a methodology to evaluate the robustness of an IP model using discrete-event simulation. In our case, the IP model determines truck and pallet schedules for a cross-docking facility. A portion of the output from the IP model is used as input to a simulation model that represents the facility. The decisions regarding pallet transfers and truck departures are left to the simulation model to ensure flexibility. Random events are induced through the simulation in order to see how robust the IP-based schedules are against the uncertainties in: (i) the transfer time of pallets through the cross-dock, (ii) the unloading time of pallets from trucks, and (iii) the earliness or delay of the trucks arriving at the platform. The difference between the deterministic and the stochastic scenarios are evaluated regarding the number of pallets put into storage, truck docking and sojourn times. Robustness measures are proposed based on numerical experiments.
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Scheduling truck arrivals and departures in a cross dock: earliness, tardiness and storage policies.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Rabat, Morocco, October 2013.
Key words:
Cross docking, Logistics operations, Integer programming, Optimization, Scheduling heuristicsAbstract
This article proposes a model to simultaneously plan the truck arrivals, the trucks departures and the internal pallet handling in a cross docking platform. The objective is to minimize both the total number of pallets put in storage on the planning horizon, and the dissatisfaction of the transportation providers, by creating a truck schedule as close as possible to the wished schedule they communicate in advance. The problem is modeled with an integer program, which is tested on generated instances to assess its performances, especially regarding the computation time. Since the execution takes too long to be used by platform managers on a daily basis, two heuristics are also proposed and tested. We show in which conditions each heuristic performs best, which can help in choosing a solution method when confronted to a real-life problem.
A-L. Ladier, A. G. Greenwood, G. Alpan, H. Hales,
Simulation-based assessment of the robustness of IP-based truck schedules for cross-docking operations.
26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italy, July 2013.
A previously developed IP-based model for scheduling truck arrivals, truck departures, and pallet handling in a cross-docking platform is assessed using discrete-event simulation. Experimentation with a simulation model of basic cross-docking operations subjects the schedules to a more realistic environment (e.g., stochastic truck arrival times, pallets transfer times, truck content) than can be formulated in the IP model. Analysis of the simulation experiments, in terms of the schedules’ performance and robustness under pragmatic conditions, provides insights to help refine the IP model.
A. G. Greenwood, H. Hales, G. Alpan, A-L. Ladier, Performance evaluation of worker timetables in cross-docking facilities using simulation. 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italy, July 2013.
A previously developed general approach for generating worker timetables is applied to cross-docking facilities to evaluate its performance under varying operating conditions. The timetables, generated from MILP models, are tested under stochastic conditions - random process times, varying working availabilities, and early/late truck arrivals - using discrete-event simulation. Experimentation and analysis using the simulation models identify which MILP model assumptions need to be relaxed or which constraints need to be reformulated in order to provide more robust and useful worker schedules.
National conferences
A-L. Ladier, S. Vercraene, V. Cheutet, R. Dachicourt,
Planification et gestion des flux de déchets issus du démantèlement d’installations nucléaires.
Congrès annuel de la société française de recherche opérationnelle et daide à la décision (ROADEF), Compiègne, February 2016.
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Planification intégrée des camions et des employés dans une platforme de cross-docking.
Congrès annuel de la société française de recherche opérationnelle et daide à la décision (ROADEF), Marseille, February 2015.
Q. Christ, A-L. Ladier, B. Penz,
Ordonnancement d'atelier avec lissage de consommation d'énergie dans une industrie chimique.
Congrès annuel de la société française de recherche opérationnelle et daide à la décision (ROADEF), Marseille, February 2015.
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Planification des opérations de cross-docking.
Congrès annuel de la société française de recherche opérationnelle et daide à la décision (ROADEF), March 2014.
ROADEF Young Researcher Prize
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan, A. G. Greenwood,
Une approche optimisation-simulation pour la planification robuste des opérations sur une plateforme de cross-docking.
18èmes journées STP du GdR MACS, St Etienne, France, October 2013.
A-L. Ladier, A. G. Greenwood, G. Alpan,
Cross docking operations: a simulation model for the validation and robustness assessment of IP-based truck schedules.
Analytics Research Workshop of the Deep South Regional Chapter of INFORMS, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States, April 2013.
Key words:
cross-docking operations, optimization, truck scheduling, simulation, robustness
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan, B. Penz,
Optimisation séquentielle des emplois du temps dans une plateforme logistique.
Actes du 12e congrès annuel de la société française de recherche opérationnelle et daide à la décision (ROADEF), vol II, pp. 627, St Etienne, France, March 2011.
Key words:
Planning, programmation linéaire, résolution séquentielle, logistiqueOther communications
A-L. Ladier, Optimisation des opérations dans une plateforme logistique - Prise en compte de l’incertitude sur les flux d’arrivée et de la capacité des ressources internes. Séminaire d'équipe GCSP, November 2013.
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Optimisation des opérations dans une plateforme logistique - Prise en compte des flux d’arrivée et de la capacité des ressources internes.
Journées G-SCOP 2013, Saint Jorioz, France, June 2013.
Key words
Cross docking, opérations logistiques, planification robuste, simulation à évts discrets
A-L. Ladier, G. Alpan,
Optimisation des opérations dans une plateforme logistique - Prise en compte des flux d’arrivée et de la capacité des ressources internes.
Journées G-SCOP 2012, Saint Jorioz, France, June 2012.
Key words
Opérations logistiques, cross docking, planification robusteWorking papers
A.-L. Ladier, A. G. Greenwood, G. Alpan, H. Hales,
Issues in the Complementary use of simulation and optimization modeling.
Cahiers Leibniz n°211, January 2014.